These resources were created by educators, young people, families and community. It’s the peoples’ curriculum and is copyrighted for the purposes of protecting this principle.
Use and share this curriculum for love and empowerment only. And honor the labor and imagination of the creators,
who are mostly women of color.

YLO Curricular Materials

The depth and breadth of stories of resistance cannot be captured in one resource. Our offering is one of many important counter stories we hope you engage with and we are continuously learning and updating our materials, so please check back regularly!

Includes an introduction the curriculum, suggestions for using the materials, an overview of each unit and an Areito Guide for leading talking circles alongside the curriculum.

Students use Cha Cha’s personal journey to think critically about the economic, social, and political context that shaped the Young Lords.  The unit culminates with a counter narrative project.

Students use an inquiry approach to construct knowledge and develop critical questions about the Young Lords transformation. The unit ends with a platform for a community action project.

Unit 3: The Revolution within the revolution: gender in the ylo

Students use healing frameworks to reflect on the unheard voices and stories in social movements. The unit ends with students creating an inclusive
community action project.

Coming in 2025!

Thank you to our
awesome funders
for supporting this work!