El Griot & Areito ProjecT

is an educator learning space grounded in ethnic studies

Who We Are

El Griot & Areito Project (EGAP) is a grassroots collective of mostly Chicago educators, young people and families who curate and offer learning experiences around ethnic studies. While we lead with Boricua studies, we also honor the interconnectedness of all black, indigenous and other folks of colors’ stories to all of us. We are moved to do this work because of the healing and empowering impact ethnic studies has had on us, our students and our children.

What We Ground In

Boriken Independence. We believe in Puerto Rican independence from U.S. imperial rule and profit and support the independence of all occupied lands and peoples.

Community Care. We co-build trust through our actions and actively work to be in right relations with ourselves, each other and others. We are a space of fugitivity for the purposes of thriving, healing the seven generations before us and the seven generations after us and for ultimate cross ethnic, racial and gender solidarity.

Love & Resistance. We are rooted in love and reject replicating the toxic, harmful ways oppression is justified in social justice movements through bullying, shaming, patriarchy, misogyny, hoarding and overworking.

Our Freedom Dream

Stories and practices of resistance, liberation and solidarity surround us all - young people, educators, families, elders - with such overwhelming abundance, it becomes the norm, teaches us truth and makes us indigenous to each other, ourselves and the land.

Our name

Griots are West African storytellers who are responsible for holding their community’s stories and history. As the Puerto Rican author, Dhalma Llanos-Figeroa says in her book, Daughters of the Stone, “They (the village) believed that if you forgot where you came from, you wouldn’t understand where you were or where you were going.” Griots hold the great gift of sharing the peoples’ stories. 

Areitos are Taino ceremonies for celebrations that include dance, music, poetry and storytelling. They play a central role in the Taino political and social life and bring people together, in circle, to co-create, co-celebrate and co-analyze their lives and community. 

We hope to honor Boricua ancestral wisdom by creating spaces and experiences that embody the spirit of both Griots and Areitos.

Check out our IG page for an explanation of our logo and each symbol.